Welcome To The Team: Phil Taylor
At Elevate Group, we like to focus on bringing our best team to the table when you need help elevating generosity at your organization. We are very excited to have Phil Taylor joining the Elevate Group team today as Lead Consultant. Phil brings with him a long career full of knowledge in leading, coaching, and teaching pastors all over the country.
How Can I Help People Create A Healthy Relationship with Money?
When we talk to people in our churches about money, we usually end up on topics such as budgeting, managing your resources, and generous giving. What would happen if we were to engage in conversations about money as a relationship?
4 Steps To Your Most Productive Day Ever
Today, we’re all busier than ever and technology has not reduced our workload. These 4 Steps will help you make the most out of your day when it gets hectic.
Your People Don’t Give. Is it Your Fault?
Financial stewardship and generosity should be one of the fundamental things a brand new Christ-follower learns about.
Becoming a Transformational Church: Programs Matter
If your church is going to be missional, transformational, relevant, post-modern, or any other hip new descriptor, you better have a good plan of action and that starts with programs.
The Ministry of Asking
Why would a college invest so much in its staff if this work did not significantly contribute to the continued existence and vocation of the college?
How to Use the Offering to Create a Culture of Generosity
Many influential churches around the country are leading a trend in seizing the offering time in weekly church services to consistently teach giving principles and build a culture of generosity in their congregations.
How to Engage Your Donors Using Contribution Statements
Giving statements may be one of the most underutilized ways to improve the culture of generosity in your church. Most churches I talk to send them out once a year, and then it’s only because it’s required. The use of multiple giving statements, throughout the course of a year, can be a fantastic addition to your generosity toolbox.
Generosity is the New Evangelism
When the church acts with generosity to serve others, it is a clear picture of Christ, who generously gave his life and all He had on the cross that we might find life forever.
How to Survive as a Leader: 7 Things You Should Do
Leadership can be very, very rewarding, but at times it can also be frustrating and exhausting. There are certain things you must do in order to survive as a leader. Here are the top seven.
Generosity Beyond The Church
It’s easy for us to prioritize the ministries that directly affect us, becoming so focused on ourselves that we forget about ministries and missionaries committed to spreading the gospel.
How To Engage Your Givers In 60 Seconds or Less
The sixty seconds right before the offering is all you need to engage your people!
Generous Churches Teach Differently About Money
Leaders are having a personal experience in their own heart with generosity, they’re teaching it to their congregations in a way that deeply impacts their hearers’ souls, and they are figuring out strategies to help support many forms of generosity among their membership.
Your Vision and Your Budget; Are They in Sync?
Is your budget in sync with your communicated vision? Or, does your budget tell a very different story?
A Guide To Elevating Radical Generosity In Your Church
Elevate radical generosity in your church today with this free resource.
The Exciting Connection Between Radical Generosity and the Gospel
Truth be told, God doesn’t need our money. He is self-sufficient but He knows that our orientation toward money is also an indicator of our faith in Him.
7 Ways To Get Your Church On The Path To Fulfilling The Vision
Do you have a strategic plan? You may say yes, but if you don't know exactly where you're going and precisely how you'll get there, you really don't have a plan.
What is Generosity?
Generosity is the virtue of not being tied down by concerns about one’s possessions. Liberality in giving or willingness to give leads to charity, forgiveness, abundance and kindness.